Thursday, March 26, 2009

Broken bones everywhere!!!

Hey all! I guess I need to catch everyone up on what's going on here.

First of all Cloe, our dog, either got in a fight or tried climbing a fence and fell and broke her back right paw. Three bones are broken now and she is out of the woods for any infections. Her paw is all wrapped up and looks about 3 sizes bigger than it really is. We'll take her back to the vet in a couple weeks to she how it's healing.

Next up, Leslie was goofing off at mutual last week and decided to punch the wall. She broke the bone in her right hand of her ring finger. I'll scan x-rays soon. She had surgery today to get the bone back together with three screws. The bone was separated into two pieces and they were jammed about 4 mil. shorter than her other hand. The bone was separated too far apart for just a cast to be put on to heal. The surgeon said today that he was very glad for the surgery because muscle had gotten between the bones so it wouldn't have healed well at all, and would have caused a lot more problems.

So, we now have two gimps in our home. Let's hope no one else gets hurt. We can't afford it!!!
Nope, no luck on a job yet either!



  1. Oh man, when it rains it pours. Glad the surgery went ok. Hopefully Leslie will heal quickly. I'm still praying for a job to come your way.

  2. Glad the surgery went well. Dang kids (and dogs). Dallas is pretty. So happy I got to meet him. You believed that, right? I'm on job alert for you also.

  3. Better wrap the rest of the family in bubble wrap! Glad she's doing ok!
